The ILRP was created to address discharge of wastes
(e.g., sediments, pesticides, nitrates) from commercial irrigated
lands. At high enough concentrations, these pollutants can harm
aquatic life or make water unusable for drinking or agricultural
uses. The goal of the ILRP is to protect surface water and
groundwater for their beneficial uses. The Irrigated Lands
Regulatory Program (ILRP) was initiated in 2003 to prevent
agricultural runoff from impairing surface waters, and in 2012,
groundwater regulations were added to the program. Waste
discharge requirements (also known as "WDRs" or "Orders"),
which protect both surface water and groundwater, address
irrigated agricultural discharges throughout the Central Valley.
Click the link below to view Irrigated Land Regulatory Program's FAQ's:
On local levels, Sub-watershed groups assist their members
with their reporting requirements and provide educational
opportunities to stay informed about current water quality
The Butte-Yuba-Sutter Water Quality Coalition (BYSWQC)
was formed through direct action of the Yuba-Sutter Farm
Bureau (YSFB) in 2004 to provide a local, grass-roots,
non-governmental entity specifically for the purpose of
assisting local landowners of irrigated, commercial agriculture
to comply with the state-mandated Irrigated Lands Regulatory

YSFB felt their role in administering the program was a means of providing a benefit to Farm Bureau members who would otherwise need to work directly with the regulatory agency. BYSWQC is NOT the regulatory agency - the State Water Resources Control Board has the legal authority to develop and mandate a water quality monitoring program for irrigated agriculture. BYSWQC staff, which consists of employees from both the Butte County Farm Bureau and the Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau, are here to:
Help members understand the regulatory program and the importance to enroll in BYSWQC.
Provide input and feedback from BYSWQC members to the regulators.
Manage the membership database.
Process invoice payments.
Provide assistance with completing reporting requirements.
Attend NCWA and surrounding Coalition meetings to bring back valuable information for our members.
Provide education opportunities to keep members informed of water quality issues and the best management practices to avoid further issues.
BYSWQC has a nine member Board of Trustees consisting of three trustees from each county. The Board of Trustees are as follows:
Yuba County
Steve Danna- Chair
Sarbjit Johl
Kulwant Johl
Sutter County
Mat Conant
Lynn Phillips
John Amarel
Butte County
Mark Orme
Walt Stiles
Jenny Scheer