Meet the Board of Directors and Staff!
To accomplish all that we do at YSFB, a dedicated group of men and women volunteer their time and energy to serve on the Board of Directors. These volunteers are your neighbors and are all involved in the farming and ranching industries. There is also paid staff that keeps the office going with day to day management and long-range commitment within the communities.
Current Officers:
Brian Greathouse, President
Mike Denny, 1st Vice President
Joe Lemenager, 2nd Vice President
Shelby Stricklin, 3rd Vice President

Brian is a 4th generation rancher and farmer for G4 Land & Livestock in Yuba City. He also works at Sacramento Valley Walnut Growers as a Grower Service Manager.

Mike works for Lundberg Family Farms and grows rice.

Current Directors

A 3rd generation farmer in Yuba and Sutter counties, Sarb grows peaches, prunes, walnuts, almonds, and pecans for Atwal Orchards. Sarb also owns his own Law Office in Yuba City.

Paul was born and raised in Yuba City, where he has been a lifelong resident, former educator, current planning commissioner, small farmer, and businessman. He is actively involved in the community serving on many boards. Paul is married with a son and daughter and a giant chocolate lab named “Tiger”.

Sat grew up in Yuba City, where he has continued in the line of production agriculture. Sat currently manages Hawk Ranch in south Yuba city, farming walnuts.

Cecil has been in agriculture for over 50 years and is the 4th generation involved. Cecil and his brother Ed own and operate a walnut operation in Sutter County. Cecil has been an active Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau Board member since 1984.

Rajeev has been in agriculture for over 20 years and is the 2nd generation farmer for Davit Ranches. His farming operation includes peaches, prunes, rice, walnuts, and almonds. The operation spans over Butte, Glenn, Yuba, and Sutter counties.

Frank began his agriculture career as a Journeyman Ag Mechanic in 1984. Frank has worked with several Ag Families as an ag mechanic. During this time, he started beekeeping to provide raw honey to allergy prone folks. After 28 years as an ag mechanic, Frank retired and started a new career with the California Highway Patrol. He worked for CHP as a Motor Carrier Specialist I, specializing in Ag Exemptions for Commercial Vehicle Operators.

Christine is a 3rd generation agriculturalist. Christine works for Blue Diamond Growers as a regional manager. Her region covers Glenn, Colusa, Yolo, Solano, Yuba, and Sutter counties. Her family owns and operates walnut and prune orchards in Sutter County.

Andy has been involved in agriculture his whole life. He is the 3rd generation involved in Siller Brothers, Inc. They specialize in timber, rice, peaches, prunes, and walnuts. Their operation is located in Yuba, Sutter, and Placer counties.

A former Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau Board President, Kulwant is a 3rd generation agriculturalist and has been practicing for over 38 years. He is the owner and operator of Johl Orchards, specializing in peaches, prunes, walnuts, and almonds. Kulwant also works as a Pest Control Advisor for Wilbur Ellis.

A former Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau Board President, Jim has been involved in agriculture for over 65 years and has been on the Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau Board for over 40 years. Jim is a 2nd generation walnut farmer in the Meridian area. He owns and operates Marler Farms, specializing in walnuts and rice.

Amanda was born and raised in Southern Oregon. She grew up participating in the 4H and FFA. Amanda competed on the Linn Benton Community College and CSU- Chico collegiate livestock judging teams. She graduated from CSU-Chico with a B.A. in Political Science — Option in Legal Studies, Law and Environment Pattern, and a Minor in Agricultural Business. She is now pursuing a legal career as an associate attorney at Hyatt McIntire and Associates.

Amar is a 3rd generation farmer, born and raised in Yuba City. He graduated from Sacramento State University in June 2001. Amar has been employed in the Agricultural Finance sector for the past 19 years. He is currently with MetLife Agricultural Investments. He is also involved with his family farming operation in both Yuba and Sutter counties. Amar and his wife have two sons.

Stephanie Younger
Executive Director

Lindsay Hyde
BYSWQC Administrator
PNSSNS Administrator

Ciera Mannan
Program Coordinator

Taylor Morrison
BYSWQC & PNSSNS Coordinator